Climate Migration and the Urban Environment: Dhaka’s Story of Development and Disaster
Climate Migration and the Urban Environment: Dhaka’s Story of Development and Disaster is an investigative documentary exploring the relationship between climate change and migration within urban development and planning practices in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bangladesh is one of the major countries experiencing severe consequences due to anthropogenic climate change. The film examines different domestic and urban contexts facing similar climate-induced migration crises in Dhaka.
Through examination of ongoing experiments and innovations that are working towards resolving the complex urban development crises within Dhaka City, the film identifies more appropriate and relevant planning approaches that are better suited to support the needs and urban development context of countries in the Global South. Though this film situates Dhaka as a case study, there is opportunity for further application in countries facing similar crises in the near future. The film’s investigation particularly explores the complexity of those lower-income migrants from rural and coastal communities that end up in “slums” once they arrive in the urban environment.
To register, visit eventbrite.ca/e/documentary-screening-dhakas-story-of-development-and-disaster-tickets-741155093837?aff=oddtdtcreator.