Climate Liability In Canada Featuring Dr. Dianne Saxe
Noted climate leaders such as James Hansen have called for a wave of lawsuits against the highest carbon-emitting companies, and such lawsuits are starting to be brought. Canada, despite our small population, is one of the top 10 most climate-polluting countries on the planet; Canadian banks are among the top 10 who finance fossil fuel expansions that fly directly in the face of the Paris Agreement.
In February 2019, Canada’s Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) warned Canadian insurers that climate liability — the risk of being sued for climate damage — must be “top of mind.” Within weeks, the OSFI had more reasons for its warning, when a little known Quebec Court of Appeal decision against Canada’s tobacco companies provided a powerful precedent for holding climate polluters liable.
The rapidly evolving scientific, public and legal context will give judges new opportunities to hold major climate polluters accountable for rapidly accelerating damage. Even unsuccessful cases can increase the legal and financial risk of continuing business as usual. Dr. Dianne Saxe explores what we can learn from the tobacco cases, and what Canadian companies need to do to protect themselves.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Saxe is one of Canada’s most respected environmental lawyers, with 40+ years’ unparalleled experience writing, interpreting, and litigating Ontario’s energy and environmental laws. An experienced team leader with substantial board experience; a skilled communicator with broad strategic vision. Hard-won expertise in government relations, corporate governance and public consultation. A can-do person always striving to make a difference. Now heading Saxe Facts, a business providing strategic advice and presentations on climate, energy and environment.
5:30pm – Registration & Reception
6:30pm – Climate Liability in Canada featuring Dr. Saxe & Q&A
8pm – Networking
$10 Early Bird Tickets until November 7th
$15 General Admission
$20 At the Door
Admission includes one (1) drink ticket & refreshments
Students – Pay What You Can At the Door with Valid Student ID (does not include drink tickets)