Chancellor’s Installation Ceremony
York University will be holding a special ceremony to install Kathleen Taylor as the 14th Chancellor of the University.
The Chancellor is the titular head of the University, a member of the Board of Governors and Senate, and connects with students at a key moment in their lives, as they transition from student to graduate and enter a new phase where they will continue to right the future in their chosen paths.
The first woman to serve as Chair of the Board of a major bank in Canada (RBC), Taylor’s appointment as York’s new Chancellor also marks the first time a woman will serve in the role.
An esteemed York Alumna, Taylor holds a Juris Doctor from Osgoode Hall Law School and a Master of Business Administration from the Schulich School of Business (SSB). She also serves as a member of the SSB Dean’s Advisory Council.
Online registration has closed. Attendees are welcome to register the day of the ceremony. Doors open at 2:30pm. Please email advevent@yorku.ca if you have any questions about the event.