Cassandra Tremblay presents Learning to Grow
Learning to Grow
Artist: Cassandra Tremblay (3rd Year)
Medium: Printmaking (monoprints, intaglio, screen)
Location: Special Projects Gallery (102 Joan & Martin Goldfarb Centre for Fine Arts)
Dates: January 20-30, 2020
Closing Reception: Wednesday, January 29th @ 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Artist’s Statement:
My work in this series explores the motif of individual growth and the mental challenges, doubt, and confusion that comes with it. Often, the idea of success is romanticized, and we believe that people are simply talented, or just plain lucky. In reality, success is years of hard work, dedication, discipline, and practice. When people see this series, I want them to be reminded that everyone goes through the struggles of learning and chasing their idea of success, but most importantly, that it takes a long time, and this time is just as important as when you finally are an expert. The medium of monoprinting comes into play when thinking about our ever changing perspective. It also highlights the elements of randomness, surprise, and serendipity that we encounter in our lives through the process of physically printing the piece. Each unique print not only represents the growth of learning, but my own artistic journey and the discovery of my passion.
Artist’s bio:
Cassandra Tremblay has been creating art since she could remember. Currently she is in her third year of study at York University and has taken an interest in printmaking, especially monoprinting as it combines painting and drawing with a larger, and more involved, process. Striving for perfection is something she has always struggled with, so this show is a way of working through that while also reminding others that there is beauty in struggling.
Medium: Watercolour Monoprint
Year: 2018
Dimensions: 22×15″