Canada and China: A Fifty-Year Journey
Launch of the book by B. Michael Frolic (Professor Emeritus, Politics, York University) and panel discussion on past, present and future Canada-China relations with:
- Susan Gregson, University of Ottawa
- Jeremy Paltiel, Carleton University
- Kim Richard Nossal, Queen’s University
- Qiang Zha, York University (Moderator)
A reception will follow.
Presenting a thorough record of Canada’s diplomatic ties with China, Canada and China recounts ten stories regarding China policy decisions made by the Canadian government. These decisions describe key bilateral moves, beginning with Pierre Trudeau’s recognition of China in 1970 and ending fifty years later with his son Justin’s attempt to reset a struggling relationship with China.
Rooted in archival research, extensive interviews, and Professor Frolic’s experience as a policy observer, the book contributes to our understanding of how the Canada-China relationship has developed over time and how best to position Canada in future relations with China.
This event is presented by the Asian Business and Management Programme, the York Centre for Asian Research and the Department of Politics with the University of Toronto Press.
Registration requested at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/canada-and-china-a-fifty-year-journey-tickets-483159532167