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Calypso, Carnival, Steelband Expressive Cultures of the Caribbean Diaspora

Calypso, Carnival, Steelband Expressive Cultures of the Caribbean Diaspora
Founders College, York University
September 26-28, 2019
London’s Notting Hill, New York’s West Indian Labor Day, Toronto’s Carnival more famously known as Caribana are the flagships of a series of carnival celebrations throughout the Caribbean diaspora including Miami, Boston, Hollywood and Costa Rica. Drawing inspiration from the Trinidad Carnival they are occasions for showcasing the allied expressive cultures of Calypso, Mas and Steelband. They also represent occasions for assessing the cultural and political health of Caribbean communities as they engage with the state in their various diaspora locations.
Join us for three days of discussion and concerts at York University that intend to explore the tradition of expression that has electrified crowds and evoke emotions in the Caribbean, the United States, Central America, Canada and England. The events highlight discussions on origins, and archiving of documentation, the importance of diaspora, and the role of self, culture and community.
Some of the issues that will engage the participants are:

What are the origins of the carnival tradition?
What have been the major influences on the development of carnival in different locations?
How has the public been involved in carnival expression?
How have government authorities responded to the spontaneity of carnival?
How has calypso as a style of music influenced community and identity.

This Conference/Exposition features panel discussions on the origins, achievements and current state of these art forms, relationships with state and community and the expositions would feature discussions on prospects for the future with a focus on the ongoing projects for documentation. The participants are academics, practitioners and performers and community activists drawn from a variety of Caribbean diaspora locations.
The events are being organized in memory of Professor Christopher Innes, whose contributions to the study of carnival have been inspirational to the organizers and many of the participants of the planned activities.
Organizing Committee:
Paul E. Lovejoy, York David V. Trotman, York Haroun Shah, London
Salah Wilson, York Ronald Shah, Toronto Wayne Donawa, Toronto
Technical Support:
Bruno Véras Leidy Alpízar Alpízar Fernanda Sierra
Fábio Cascadura
Founders College, Winters College, CERLAC, Faculty of LA&PS, Provost Office, History Department, Humanities Department, R.O.O.T.S.


Sep 26 - 28 2019


10:00 am - 8:00 pm


Founders College
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