Black Excellence & GRIT Speaker Series: Brittney Gibbs
Join us for this month’s Black Excellence and GRIT Speaker Series Event!
Guest Speaker: Brittney Gibbs and The Mind Game
Topic: Mindset
Date and Time: Thursday, May 5 at 1:30 p.m.
Meeting ID: 933 6526 2630
Passcode: 276658
About Brittney Gibbs:
The Mind Game is a sport psychology consulting agency that works with athletes of all ages and competitive levels to improve their overall mental well-being and performance in sport.
The Mind Game is owned by Gibbs, who is a mental performance coach. As a former NCAA Division I student-athlete on the women’s track and field team at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE), Gibbs recognized the importance of mental training and the positive impact it had on her collegiate career. Gibbs created The Mind Game to assist athletes reach their peak performance with the practice of mental training. Gibbs is passionate about helping athletes succeed in their sport, leveraging her personal athletic experiences, as well as her sport psychology background.
Gibbs graduated from SIUE in 2019 with a master of science in kinesiology, with a specialization in exercise and sport psychology.
Currently, Gibbs is an assistant track and field coach with Phoenix Athletics, and is still training and competing in the women’s horizontal jumps nationally.