Academics without Borders Info Session at York
Academics without Borders (AWB) and York International are co-hosting an info session on AWB program opportunities on Tuesday, October 12, between 10:30am and 12:00pm ET.
The AWB network’s mission is to help people in the developing world realize their dreams through higher education because education is the key to a flourishing society. Academics Without Borders’ projects are involved in the full range of university activities from expanding and improving existing institutions and programs to helping create new ones.
As York faculty members, you are cordially invited to join the Info Session, where you’ll be able hear about:
- Overview of AWB programs and opportunities
- AWB’s Strengthening Engineering Education and Research (SEER) Initiative
- Testimonials from AWB’s partners and volunteers on their program experience
- Ways to get involved with AWB programs as a York faculty member
The full agenda and list of speakers can be found below. In addition to presentations from AWB’s Greg Moran, Executive Director, and Corrie Young, Associate Executive Director, Projects & Networks, Professor Marina Freire-Gormaly from York’s Lassonde School of Engineering will be sharing her experience co-leading an AWB volunteer project in Uganda (see this YFile article for a snapshot of Prof. Freire-Gormaly’s AWB experience).
10:30-10:40 Welcome, land acknowledgement & introductions
Vinitha Gengatharan, Executive Director, York International
10:40-11:00 Overview of AWB programs and opportunities
Greg Moran, Executive Director, AWB
11:00-11:30 Overview of the Strengthening Engineering Education and Research (SEER) Initiative & volunteer experience sharing
Marina Freire-Gormaly, PhD, Co-Chair, SEER, AWB & Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, York University
11:30-11:55 Q&A/Discussions
Greg Moran, Executive Director, AWB, Corrie Young, Associate Executive Director, Projects & Networks, AWB, and Marina Freire-Gormaly, PhD, Co-Chair, SEER, AWB & Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, York University
11:55-noon Closing and next steps
Helen Balderama, Associate Director, International Partnerships and Programs, York International
We look forward to seeing you at the event. To register, please use this link: Please share widely.