A Whole Society Approach to COVID-19: Dispatches from China
In this lecture series attendees will learn from China’s experience with COVID-19. The series features faculty members from universities in China, with research and lived experience from the world centre of the outbreak. Professor Claudia Chaufan, Director of the Graduate Program in Health at York, will introduce the speakers and K.J. Noh, independent scholar and expert in the geopolitics of Asia, will facilitate the Q&A after the lectures. Graduate students from Chinese universities will be present to address questions from the audience.
Webinar 2: A “whole of society” approach; containing the spread (discussion includes the role of case identification, contact tracing, selective isolation, lockdowns, and so on); balancing health and economic concerns. Speaker: Prof. Hao Li, Wuhan University
Tickets: https://yorku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xKnNeB98RzKpnxPJfS3UYQ.