2022 Ian P. Howard Memorial Lecture

Dr. Sabine Kastner
The Centre for Vision Research is thrilled to be hosting Dr. Sabine Kastner, from the Princeton Neuroscience Institute at Princeton University as its speaker at the 2022 Ian P. Howard Memorial Lecture. This event will take place on Tuesday, November 22nd at 2 p.m. in the Senate Chambers, N940 Ross. All are welcome.
This talk honours Ian P. Howard, the founder of York University’s Centre for Vision Research.
Dr. Kastner will discuss “The Neural dynamics of the primate attention network.”
The selection of information from our cluttered sensory environments is one of the most fundamental cognitive operations performed by the primate brain. Dr. Kastner will highlight the large-scale network mechanism that acts as a ‘spotlight’ that can be flexibly shifted around the visual scene to focus our visual attention.