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2019 Reading Week Course: ENVS4800A, Advanced Topics in Environment and Health

The ‘ecohealth approach’ or ‘ecosystem approach to health and well-being’ is an applied approach based on principles of systems thinking, transdisciplinarity, participation, gender and social equity, knowledge-to-action, and sustainability. In this course, participants will move from understanding environment and health relationships to apply these principles in the design of collaborative interventions that produce “co-benefits” – simultaneously improving human health/well-being and ecosystem health.
This is a useful course for students who are interested ecosystem/environmental management, international development practice, conservation, global health, environment and health, applied systems thinking, food sovereignty and security, participatory methods, social innovation, environmental problem solving, and more.
This Ecohealth course will focus on the case study of “linking heath, environment and community in the Alexander Skutch Biological Corridor”, with multiple field visits in the region. However, the projects that course participants will develop can be associated with any environment and health situation in any location.
The course fee is CAN$1,100. This fee includes all in-country transportation, room and board, and park entrance fees that are part of course programs. Students are responsible for paying their own flight fare and travel insurance, as well as any personal expenses. Course costs are not the same as tuition costs. Students must be registered in the 2019 Winter term in order to register for this course.


Feb 16 - 24 2019


2:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Las Nubes EcoCampus @ Las Nubes Biological Reserve, San José Province, Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica
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