2019 Global Conference on Teacher Education for ESD
November 22-25, 2019 in Okayama, Japan
#Teaching for 2030:Multi-layering ESD and GCED for Innovations in Teacher Education towards the SDGs and ESD for 2030
Thisconferencewill bring together ESD and GCED experts with policy makers, teacher educators and other practitioners in education. By exploring and discussing new trends in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED) as called for in SDG 4.7, this conference will provide a platform for immediate learning from experts and peers in both international and regional contexts to further achieving the goals of the Global Education 2030 Agenda and the designated framework entitled ‘Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for 2030)’.
The conference will focus on the role of embedding ESD and GCED within formal education systems, seeking existing successful practices and identifying their potential for policy reform and other education legislations. Special interest groups will focus on aspects such as:
Embedding ESD and GCED in elementary and secondary education,
Online teaching approaches engaging and accessing those in remote or underserved regions,
ESD as a potential to enhance education and training systems for Indigenous youth,
ESD and GCED in early childhood care and education.