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▶︎▶︎ Jeu vidéo, VFX en temps réels et technologie télévisuelle

Friday, March 29, from 12:15 to 1:15PM in room YH A-224
Cliff LAVALLÉE, Director of LUV services with Groupe Média TFO, will offer a presentation titled Intégration de la technologie de production télévisuelle avec les outils de développement de jeux. The presentation will explore how LUV (the Virtual Universes Laboratory) revolutionized traditional broadcast content production technics for Groupe Média TFO. LUV is the first virtual set to infuse broadcast production with the most advanced changing technologies from the gaming industry. The presentation will be offered in French.
This workshop is part of the Technology Lunch Series organized by Glendon eLearning Comity, in collaboration with Glendon Digital Media Lab and Glendon Communications Program.


Mar 29 2019


12:15 pm - 1:15 pm


Glendon Campus, York University @ 2275 Bayview Ave., Room YH-A224
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