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EUC Student Gathering: Towards Food Sovereignty and Arts-based Methodology

Please join Deborah Barndt, Maria Cappelletti, Alexandra Gelis, Diego Lopez, and Chandra Maracle from the Earth to Tables Legacies Project for a lunchtime seminar and book launch of Earth to Tables Legacies: Multimedia Conversations Across Generations and Cultures on Tuesday, Jan. 30, from 12:45 to 2:45 p.m. in 140 Health, Nursing & Environmental Studies Building.

Be nourished with a Three Sisters Meal.

Be inspired by videos on food sovereignty.

Be stimulated by a critical dialogue about arts-based collaborative research methodologies.

The event will include:

  1. Lunch: Three Sisters Meal (Mexican cuisine consisting of three main elements from the book: corn, beans and squash).
  2. Video screenings from multimedia book:
    • Thanksgiving Address
    • The Soil is Alive
    • Who Will Feed Us? The Farm Labour Crisis Meets the Climate Crisis
  3. Conversation on methodology with respondents Lisa Myers and Martha Steigman.
  4. Photo exhibition of Legacies Project history in ZigZag Gallery.


Jan 30 2024


12:45 pm - 2:45 pm


140 HNES
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