Transition Tuesdays (In-Person)
Do you have a history of academic accommodations such as an Individualized Academic Accommodation Plan (IEP)? Are you a student with a learning disability/disorder, chronic health or mental health condition, attention disorder (ADD or ADHD), brain injury, physical or mobility disability, sensory disability or impairment (Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, Blind, low vision, partially sighted), on the Autism spectrum, and/or from the neurodiverse or diverse ability community?
Transition Tuesdays will introduce students, and their parents or other support persons, to key campus supports and the academic accommodation process. In-person sessions will start with a tour of Student Accessibility Services spaces and good-to-know spots at Keele campus. The tour will be followed by a presentation and question and answer session.
Complete an online Registration Form to take part. Location details will be sent when we receive your online form.
Questions? Contact