In-Person Well-being Strategy Engagement Session (open to all staff, faculty & instructors)
We want your feedback!
We invite York community members to join our engagement sessions happening virtually and in-person at the Keele and Glendon campuses in fall 2022. The sessions will allow community members to share their input, feedback, and recommendations on priorities to inform for the development of York’s Well-being Strategy to enhance well-being on our campuses. This feedback will be used to create a Draft Well-Being Strategy that will come back to the community for further feedback and review.
Participants will be asked to provide feedback on various aspects of well-being and support in identifying and prioritizing faculty and instructors needs in relation to both being an employee and being in the classroom.
Please note: French language delegates will be on-site for this session.
If you are unable to attend this drop-in session, you may also share input through the Staff/Faculty/Instructor Well-being Strategy feedback form.