Navigating Mental Health Resources at York University
Transitioning to university is challenging enough. The quality of your health and well-being impacts everything from managing your stress, make time for your loved ones, and still working towards your academic success. Join the Peer Health Educator Team to…
- de-stigmatize mental health and why that is important for you as a student;
- learn about what mental health services and well-being supports are available both on and off-campus; and
- learn wellness strategies that explore the interconnections to all forms of health. Optimize your time and energy management.
To reserve your spot, please complete our registration form.
Before attending the presentation:
- Log into your Zoom account (with your Passport York credentials) prior to clicking the meeting link.
- Fill out our anonymous Pre-Test Form (it takes less than 1 minute to complete). This form helps us ensure our presentation meets the needs of the student body.