Grammar on!! Purpose and Pizzazz
We often think of grammar as a series of scary rules about “what-not-to-do”, but, in reality, grammar is a tool that you can use to write more effective sentences and increase your range of syntactical choices. Come join Dunja this Thursday at 10:30am in the Writing Centre’s Grammar On! series of workshops. The workshop is open to all students who want to learn to construct effective and beautiful sentences that say what you want them to say. Grammar On! Workshop 7 A lot of us are confused about when to use “that” and when to use “which”. “Which” might sound fancier in a sentence, but it’s not always your best grammatical choice. Come to this week’s Grammar On! and learn how – and when – to use “that” and “which” with purpose and pizzazz. No RSVPs. Just show up!