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Let’s Talk Academic Advising!

Are you an International Student who wants to succeed in your academics at York U? Unsure about how academic advising can help you? Do you have questions about credits, courses, student services, faculties and more?Well, you’re in luck– this Academic Advising event was made for you! You can get all your questions answered, and learn how to get the support you need. Pick a date that works with your schedule! (Note: this event is for undergraduate students)
Date:January 27or28, 2021
Time: 8:30 – 10:00amET
Register for Academic Advising
*Once your register, a Zoom link will be sent to your email
Event Details

What is Happening?
What is Academic Advising?
How to Prepare

Topics we will cover:

What is an academic advisor? How can they help?
Student resources to guide you
Degree progress report
Changing majors/minors or adding majors/minors
Course selection, programs requirements, transfer credits, etc.
How to be successful @ York!

We will be joined by advisors from different faculties across York University. Including:

The School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD)
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
Faculty of Health
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Lassonde School of Engineering
Faculty of Science

Academic Advising helps you make informed decisions about your academic pathway as you progress through your program.

You can find help with the following:

program and degree requirements;
degree options: major, minor, certificates;
understanding your grade report and academic standing;
the petition process;
understanding Faculty legislation and policies;
Peer Mentoring and study groups; and
information and referrals to academic and campus services and resources.

For more information, visit the website:
1. Bring your questions
The academic advisors are here to help you be successful. Here are a few questions and topics you might have:

How does adding or dropping a course impact my academic progress?
How can I change my major/minor?
How can I add a major or minor to my degree?
What are my degree requirements?
What is a degree progress report?
How do degree transfer credits work?
What certificates are available to enhance my studies?
I’m not doing well in a class, are there any resources to help me get back on track?

2. Set up your space
Test your Zoom features, and view this document for best Zoom practices.

3. Practice attentive listening
Even if you do not have questions, feel free to join and listen to what other people are asking! You never know, they might ask a question that you never even thought of, and is helpful to you.

4. Invite your friends!


Jan 27 2021


8:30 am - 10:00 am


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