Where Can I Go with a Music Degree? – Webinar Series
Webinar #3 – A Day in the Life: Navigating the Demands of a Music Career
In partnership with the National Youth Orchestra of Canada (NYO Canada), come explore the practical skills and knowledge you need to succeed in today’s music industry. Listen in on insightful discussions with experienced musicians and industry professionals who have “been there, done that.”
The series includes three different panels on consecutive Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EST via ZOOM.
3. February 8th: “A Day in the Life: Navigating the Demands of a Music Career” with Philip Chiu and Dr. Adam Cicchillitti.
Register for the FREE webinars here. Complete details and further information at wherecanigowithmusic.com.
Questions? Contact Dr. Hillis at ahillis@yorku.ca.