VCP presents VIC SHOW
The Vanier Improv Company (VIC) returns with a variety of improv and sketch comedy to make you laugh right out of your seat! A great way to destress and have fun with a short 75-minute show.
Directed by Ryk Simpson
Assistant Directed by Montserrat Cadena
Stage Managed by Kate Roberston
Jan. 14 | Jan. 28 | Feb. 11 | Mar. 11 | Apr. 1
8:00 pm
Fred Thury Studio Theatre, 258 Vanier College
To reach the theatre, take the stairs or elevator on the east side of Vanier College to the second floor.
CASH ONLY tickets at the door
Pay-What-You-Can-Afford (Suggested $5)
Facebook: @VanierCollegeProductions
Instagram: @vancproductions