Creating University Health Network’s COVID-19 Pandemic After Action Report
Emergency Management in Hospitals and Healthcare Speakers Series
Emergency management (EM) is often taught in the context of community, provincial, national and international emergencies. There is currently a gap in disaster and emergency management (DEM) education and training when transitioning from a generic and public emergency management context to a hospital and health-care setting. Emergencies affect hospitals differently and require unique approaches to EM efforts. Hospitals and health-care facilities also experience very specific emergencies of their own. This speaker series aims to address some of these topics through knowledge transferring and sharing, and to inform professionals in the DEM field who are working in these settings and those who are transitioning to the health-care field or studying DEM from a health-care context.
• Natasha Bloomberg – senior emergency preparedness specialist, University Health Network;
• Lisa Colangelo – senior emergency preparedness specialist, University Health Network; and
• Katie Thomson – emergency preparedness analyst, University Health Network.
Registration: yorku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Dez4YWGiRHmPqILUQcx43A.
More info: yorku.ca/cifal/emhospitals.