Assessment in the Time of AI Hack-a-thon
Are you wondering how to re-work your assessments, teaching activities, and/or course curriculum to address for students’ use of AI and/or incorporate AI?
The Assessment in the Time of AI Hack-a-thon is an opportunity for instructors to workshop and rethink their assessments and course curricula to address students’ use of GenAI in academic work and/or integrate GenAI into assessments or other teaching activities.
The hack-a-thon will be based on small group workshopping sessions where instructors will have the chance to discuss their assessments, share their concerns, and work collaboratively to find solutions. These discussions will be guided by facilitators with experience in using AI in the classroom. Participants should bring assignment descriptions or course syllabi to discuss and will leave with concrete ideas for redesigned assignments and/or teaching activities.
Faculty members are invited to register for one of the two available sessions (morning or afternoon). Follow this link to register: Hack-a-thon registration